记录 And 登记 - 澳门足球博彩官方网址-澳门足球博彩官方网址

记录 & 登记

记录和注册办公室保持学生学业记录的完整性,并管理有效的政策 以及加勒特学院有关注册、学业进步和毕业典礼的实践.

记录和注册办公室是满足您所有教育要求的重要资源, 从你的那一刻起 以学生身份申请加勒特学院,直到你毕业或转学到另一所学校.

Information and forms related to records, 成绩单, 招生, residency, and commencement are available here.


  • 创建订购成绩单的帐户需要一个有效的电子邮件地址.
  • 仔细检查拼写和输入的数据是至关重要的,因为错误可能会延迟成绩单的处理.
  • 有一张6美元的.00 fee per transcript order. 成绩单订单必须在订购时以信用卡或借记卡支付.
  • 学生有责任在下单前核实收件人是否接受电子PDF成绩单.
  • 收件人最多可以下载三次电子成绩单,链接在30天后失效.
  • 与Parchment有关联的学校有专门的电子成绩单投递投递箱. If you are sending to an individual, please utilize the email option and enter a specific recipient email address.
  • 仔细检查拼写和输入的数据是至关重要的,因为错误可能会延迟成绩单的处理.
  • 有一张6美元的.00 fee per transcript order.
  • 成绩单订单必须在订购时以信用卡或借记卡支付.
  • 订单一般会在几个工作日内处理完毕(如订单量大,请预留额外处理时间).

正式成绩单由注册官认证并签字,并应直接寄给指定的收件人. Each time the electronic transcript PDF file is opened, it will be certified electronically to ensure that it has not been altered. Please note that an e-transcript ceases to be official if it is forwarded from the student to another recipient; it must be sent directly from 澳门足球博彩官方网址. A printed copy of the electronic PDF transcript is not considered official. 只要保存在原始密封的信封里,纸质成绩单就是正式的.

如果您在过去六个月内是加勒特学院的学生,则可以通过My 澳门足球博彩官方网址门户网站下载非官方成绩单. 这些成绩单可以用作参考,但不能代替正式成绩单.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student records 并赋予学生一定的权利,从学生上课开始. It provides for the right to inspect and review 教育记录, to seek to amend those records, and to limit disclosure of information from the records, 除了 to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

查看学生记录的权利属于学生本人,而不是家长或法定监护人. 学生的学术 information (such as class schedule, 成绩, 学术地位, 进行记录, 账单, 等.)将会是 给学生. It is up to the student to determine who else may receive access. 希望分享其教育记录的学生可以在学生门户网站上完成学生信息发布 my.bjjhst.com 通过选择 学生 然后 在线表单.

阅读更多: Privacy of 学生 记录 at 澳门足球博彩官方网址

加勒特学院已经授权国家学生信息中心提供雇主和背景信息 screening firms with 招生 and degree verifications. Organizations should visit www.degreeverify.org to request this information.

在读学生可以在学生门户网站的“学生”下打印注册验证, 我的报告, 及入学证明.


All students are required to meet with an advisor before registering. 安排咨询 appointment, new students may contact the 招生 office; returning students are to contact their previously assigned advisor. 的建议 & Academic Success Center is also available to assist returning students during summer and winter breaks.

希望放弃或增加课程的学生应直接联系他们的顾问. 落下的最后一天 add, and withdraw, and associated refund deadlines are published in the 校历

加勒特学院的学生应该为自己的学业成功负责 程度上的成就. This includes making satisfactory progress each semester towards completion of 他们的学术项目. 学生s who are satisfactorily completing 他们的学术项目 requirements are considered to be in good 学术地位. 学生s must maintain good 学术地位 in order 有资格毕业,在很多情况下,能够转学到另一所学校. Academic standing may also affect athletic and financial aid eligibility.

Academic standing is calculated at the end of the fall and spring semesters, 并由尝试的学分数和学生的累积平均绩点(CGPA)决定。. 未能达到良好学术地位要求的学生将被留校察看,并将与学术成功顾问一起制定恢复良好学术地位的计划. 留校察看期间未能取得良好学术成绩者,将被开除学籍. 学业上被开除的学生将被要求离开学院一年,以便有时间反思导致成绩不佳的因素. Although students have a right of appeal, 应仔细考虑立即恢复是否适当. 而不是呼吁, 鼓励学生利用这段时间来评估他们的学术/职业目标, address the challenges that contributed to poor performance, and formulate a plan for return when better positioned for success. 有关提出上诉的详细说明和重要的截止日期,请参阅 Academic Dismissal Appeals Packet.

另外, as required by Federal regulations, 接受经济援助的学生须达到由财政援助部门审查的令人满意的学业进展的进一步标准. For additional information about Satisfactory Academic Progress and how it impacts your student aid, view the 大学目录.

For the purposes of assessing tuition charges, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 follows residency guidelines established by the Maryland Higher Education Commission. A student’s residency (aka domicile) is determined at the time of admission to 澳门足球博彩官方网址. The student residency determination process, including information for military personnel and foreign nationals, can be viewed in the 大学目录.

学生在一学期内变更住宿地的,学费不予调整 在那个学期里. The new tuition rate will be applied the following semester.

Did you know that graduation isn’t automatic? 在学生们获得文凭之前——即使他们不打算参加毕业典礼——学生们必须申请获得文凭. Current students may complete the 毕业 & 毕业证书的应用程序 located on the student portal at my.bjjhst.com 通过选择 学生 然后 在线表单.

点击这里 for more information on graduation and Garrett’s commencement ceremony.

Earn Your Associate Degree through 反向传输

在获得加勒特学院副学士学位之前转到其他机构的学生可以将未完成的学分“反向转移”回GC. 获得副学士学位为你的简历增添了宝贵的教育成就, increasing your job qualifications and potential for a higher salary.

Generally, to be considered for a reverse transfer review, a student must:

  • Have earned at least 15 credit hours at GC
  • 最少2个.在GC的累积绩点为00
  • Have earned a combined total of at least 60 credit hours

It’s just two easy steps to start the review process:

  1. 电子邮件 registrar@bjjhst.com to discuss your situation
  2. Send your official college 成绩单 to GC

我们将审查你所有的大学课程,看看它是否适用于你之前申报的GC专业. 我们经常发现,虽然有些学生可能不符合他们特定专业的要求, they are candidates for an Associate of Arts degree in General Studies.

For more information or assistance with the process, email registrar@bjjhst.com.


To perform any of the following actions, log into your my.bjjhst.com account and go to 学生, then OnLine Forms.

  • 更换顾问
  • 课程重复申请
  • 学生 Information Release
  • Waiver / Substitution Request
  • 毕业 & 毕业证书的应用程序


问题? 联系 registrar@bjjhst.com 寻求帮助.

记录 & 登记 Office 联系 Information

学生 服务 Building, Room 410

金正日DeGiovanni, 注册商

罗宾Swearengen, 记录 and 登记 Assistant

达纳·梅森, Enrollment 服务 Admission & 注册代表

电子邮件: registrar@bjjhst.com
电话:  301-387-3113
成绩单:  301-387-3153 or 成绩单@bjjhst.com
传真: 301.387.3038
澳门足球博彩官方网址 Office of 记录 & 登记
早上8点30分.m. - 4:30 p.m.